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스위프트 Property
Swift Terminology - Property(속성)
Sources from The Swift Programming Language (Swift 4)
Properties associate values with a particular class, structure, or enumeration. Stored properties store constant and variable values as part of an instance, whereas computed properties calculate (rather than store) a value. Computed properties are provided by classes, structures, and enumerations. Stored properties are provided only by classes and structures.
Stored Properties
- 클래스, 구조체에서만 사용 가능
- 인스턴스와 연관된 값을 저장
👋🏻 Lazy property
- lazy stored property: 지연 저장 속성, 초기화 하는데 오래걸리거나 복잡한 초기화 과정이 있는 변수의 경우 지연저장을 사용하면 좋다.
- A lazy property does not get initialized until someone accesses it You can allocate an object, execute a closure, or call a method if you want
Computed Properties
- 클래스, 구조체, 열거형에서 모두 사용 가능
- 실제로 값을 저장하지 않지만, get, set키워드를 통해서 값을 간접적으로 설정하거나 받을 수 있다.
- setter를 선언할 때 값을 넣지 않았다면 디폴트 네임은 newValue로 사용한다.
Sample Code
struct Point {
var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
struct Size {
var width = 0.0, height = 0.0
struct Rect {
var origin = Point() var size = Size() var center: Point {
get {
let centerX = origin.x + (size.width / 2)
let centerY = origin.y + (size.height / 2)
return Point(x: centerX, y: centerY)
set(newCenter) {
origin.x = newCenter.x - (size.width / 2)
origin.y = newCenter.y - (size.height / 2)
Read-Only Computed Properties
- A computed property with a getter but no setter is known as a read-only computed property. A read-only computed property always returns a value, and can be accessed through dot syntax, but cannot be set to a different value.
struct Cuboid {
var width = 0.0, height = 0.0, depth = 0.0
var volume: Double {
return width * height * depth
let fourByFiveByTwo = Cuboid(width: 4.0, height: 5.0, depth: 2.0)
print("the volume of fourByFiveByTwo is \(fourByFiveByTwo.volume)")
Property Oberver
- willSet is called just before the value is stored.
- didSet is called immediately after the new value is stored.
- Default value: newValue VS. oldValue
Sample Code
class StepCounter {
var totalSteps: Int = 0 {
willSet(newTotalSteps) {
print("About to set totalSteps to \(newTotalSteps)")
didSet {
if totalSteps > oldValue {
print("Added \(totalSteps - oldValue) steps")
let stepCounter = StepCounter()
stepCounter.totalSteps = 200
// About to set totalSteps to 200
// Added 200 steps
stepCounter.totalSteps = 360
// About to set totalSteps to 360
// Added 160 steps
stepCounter.totalSteps = 896
// About to set totalSteps to 896
// Added 536 steps
Type Property
- 타입 자체에 대한 속성
- 값을 가져올때는 클래스의 이름을 통해서 가져올 수 있다.
let color: UIColor = UIColor.red
👍🏻 Both types and instances can have methods & properties
- Instance properties are properties that belong to an instance of a particular type. Every time you create a new instance of that type, it has its own set of property values, separate from any other instance.
- You can also define properties that belong to the type itself, not to any one instance of that type. There will only ever be one copy of these properties, no matter how many instances of that type you create. These kinds of properties are called type properties.
- Type methods and properties are denoted with the keyword static.
- For example, the struct Double has a number of vars and funcs on its type. These are not methods or vars you access on an instance of a Double (e.g. on 53.2). Instead, you access them by referencing the Double type itself.
👍🏻 Sample Code - 01
static func abs(d:Double) -> Double {
if d < 0 {
return -d
return d
static var pi: Double
let d = Double.pi
let d = Double.abs(-324.44)
let x: Double = 23.85
let e = x.pi
// no! pi is not an instance varlet e = x.abs(-22.5)
// no! abs is not an instance method
👍🏻 Sample Code - 02
struct AudioChannel {
static let thresholdLevel = 10
static var maxInputLevelForAllChannels = 0
var currentLevel: Int = 0 {
didSet {
if currentLevel > AudioChannel.thresholdLevel {
// cap the new audio level to the threshold level
currentLevel = AudioChannel.thresholdLevel
if currentLevel > AudioChannel.maxInputLevelForAllChannels {
// store this as the new overall maximum input level
AudioChannel.maxInputLevelForAllChannels = currentLevel
- Code, Data, Heap, Stack
- Class는 Code 영역에 저장
- Static Type Property는 Data 영역에 저장
- Instance의 속성들은 Heap 영역에 저장
Value VS. Reference
- Value type (struct, enum) vs. Reference type (class)
Value (struct and enum)
- Copied when passed as an argument to a function
- Copied when assigned to a different variable
- Immutable if assigned to a variable with let (function parameters are let)
- You must note any func that can mutate a struct/enum with the keyword mutating
Reference (class)
- Stored in the heap and reference counted (automatically)
- Constant pointers to a class (let) still can mutate by calling methods and changing properties When passed as an argument, does not make a copy (just passing a pointer to same instance)